Thursday, April 8, 2010

Pitching A Show: Hits, Misses, and Homeruns

Tomorrow: more much fun, literally the best EVER.  Just quick little interviews alone and together (Carolina and I).  I am thinking of seeing if they (Matt) can shoot us on a green screen, so we can put something cool behind us in later in post...instead of the usual stuff you see on home renovation shows.  In case you don't know, a green screen is literally just that, a green backdrop that you are able to make "disappear" in post production; thereby allowing you to put anything you want in the background.  I was thinking about running an old scene from "Eight Is Enough", but I don't think anyone would go for that.
Anyway, it is really starting to come together, but alas, I can't ever get too attached to a project like this, because the numbers are just plain against us.  HGTV and other networks get pitched shows alllllll day long and only a handful of them get the greenlight to go into production.  Mostly the pitches are on paper, so we do have a little edge that we are actually filming something.  It's so weird, you could have the greatest show in the world, but if just one important set of eyes doesn't like it, you're done.  Out, game over.  So as proud as I am of what we are doing, I have no idea what the outcome will be (nor am I trying to think too much about it).  That being said, the pilot is kickin' some ass if I do say so myself!
In the meantime, the projects around my own house are starting to finally get some attention.  I have to replace tile in the hallway, rip down a big section of old siding and re-shingle, tile the bathroom shower, build a new door for the outdoor shower, and repaint a fence.  It really never ends, but I LOVE it!


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